Wednesday, February 29, 2012

#3 - NYC Street Style

I'm sure you are all aware, as fellow fashion lovers, that the people of NYC all love the color black! It's pretty much a guarantee, when walking the streets, a majority will be dressed in black. That's okay though- right? Black is a classic color- always has been, always will be! However, spring is indeed on its way. (Not like we had much of a winter.) As New Yorkers, we don't want to completely lose our classic look- but who wants to wear black from head to toe when the sun is peering through and the smell of fresh flowers is in the air? So what to do? Lately, I have noticed some colors peeking their way into the wardrobes of these classy New Yorkers. It wasn't much but its a start!

A Close Friend & Fellow FIT Student!
Minty + Peaches

You can see above, that an accent of color here and there can go a long way! Now, what kind of pieces can you incorporate into your wardrobe to achieve this look? Well, it's the little things that count!

Forever 21, $19.80
Michael Kors, $348
Urban Outfitters, $24 each



Target, $34.99

BCBGeneration, $110


I urge you all to try this trend! Hey, maybe it will make spring come a little faster! (;


  1. I love those Blue BCBG Heels, but I think I even like the target ones a little bit better. I think platform heels have been a big trend on the street, and the fact that those heels are only $35 is definitely a plus! Gotta love Target ;D

  2. I find nothing more depressing than wearing all black head to toe on the daily. I started doing that once i moved to NYC and quickly realized how it affected my mood negatively. I love color, i rarely wear black now. And if i do it always with bright colors or for an interview :)
